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I like the idea to share with you my experiences any time i will eat in a restaurant in the Riviera Maya but specially in and around Playa del Carmen. Hope tis blog topic can be fun and also interested for locals or turist who wants to know where to eat. I will update the comments any time i will eat in the same restaurant in the same log article. Follow me and if you eat in one of those restaurants please leave a comment about your opinion and will be nice if you tell us what was good or bad but also if you are local or turist....
#3 "Bovino's" Playa del Carmen
Brazilian grill specialized in meat but also international buffet
Open every day
#2 "PEZ K. ITO" Playa del Carmen
Real local mexican food street truck especialized in shrimp and marlin tacos only for lunch.
Closed tuesday
Street food truck who offers the best shrimp tacos, also marlin and different kinds of tostadas!!
Usually i do not eat in street food trucks...specially in Mexico, where stomach virus is always waiting for you behind the corner or the dish.
Here we have an exeption. The name of the truck is "Pez K. ITO" a fast way to say little fish. A co worker recommend me to eat here 4 years ago in 2014 and i found the best shrimp tacos in the Riviera Maya. The video you can see was made in march 2018. Long time working in the same place. Good job!
#1 "EL PEZ DE ORO" Playa del Carmen
Really Local Restaurant specialized in seafood only for lunch.
Closed Monday
click the pic for ubication
I would like to start this blog topic with one of my favourite restaurants even becouse since 2015 when i found it, the staff offer me always a good service and fresh food until today and i will update you if something will change....of course i will just follow my blog and leave a comment if you eat in that restaurant.
"PEZ DE ORO" that in english means golden fish. I discovered this local seafood restaurant just for luck a cupple of years ago. Is very nice and clean and with a family conduction and i decided to eat in that restaurant with friends, family and very often with clients after ours tours, and the restaurant always offering fresh food and nice service. If you are looking for a restaurante far from 5th avenue or from turists this is the best place specially for my clients ! I can show them the real Playa del Carmen...the side i call jungle side becouse is in the opposit side of the sea side, the turistic side.
February 2018 eating with my wife...
I ask a white conk shell with garlic souce and my wife a seafood soup. Really delicious both.
Then other guest ask a ceviche mixto and a fried fish with a lot of guarnitions. Chile Habanero must be always on the table with onion, cilantro and lemon.
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